Google Health

Created 17 years ago by Matt,
Last updated August 5th 2024, 3:50:07 pm

A new thinger from google, - Google Health - looks like it might be interesting for finding information about medical conditions, but I'm not sure I want Google knowing everything about me.

Even though Google's mantra of "Do No Evil" may hold true, I wonder how long it will be the case.

I worry about having all this information somewhere else but in the hands of health professionals, or my own file, without any REAL control of what happens to it. Which fits with the idea that a few researchers have come up with for keeping personal data very much private, and controlled on one's own personal device or, at least in one's own filing system. This is an area that I am researching at the moment, so topical for me, in the realms of wearable computing :)