
Created 17 years ago by Matt,
Last updated August 5th 2024, 3:50:07 pm

I have recently been procrastinating with Google Geocoding stuff :D and wrote this basic page to find locations from addresses. This is part of the Facebook App I have been writing, for which I could do with some people to test :)

Enter an address, town, city, postcode.. whatever in the box below, and it will show it up nicely on a map :) A bit like google maps really! hehe



  1. Hmm, the geocoding's a a bit off for me - by about 8-10 miles to be honest - ds on Tue Nov 20 2007 15:49:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  2. Interesting, how much of an address did you put in? :) - matt on Tue Nov 20 2007 16:01:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)