Lazy student gets job!

Created 19 years ago by Matt,
Last updated August 5th 2024, 3:50:07 pm

Well, it had to happen sometime! I have now recieved a job offer from a company called Protiviti as a computer forensics Consultant in their London office.

I've been waiting for a while to get the the formalities sorted out, and will be starting on the 18th September.

This job is the reason I went to University, even though the forensics module was unavailable in my final year, I have managed to get this position where I will be given good quality training and grear experience. I intend to pursue further education in this area on a part-time basis (MSc?) once I get settled into the job!

For those that don't know, I was offered a position at University College Dublin on a funded structured PhD course, in pervasive computing, because of my final year project which included elements of pervasive computing. I chose instead to opt for my original plan, and I am confident that I will not regret my chosen course!

Laura has also made a bit of a career choice, and has decided to study towards a nursing qualification, and intends to enrol on a course at Hastings College, or West Kent College within the next week. This will determine where we live for the next academic year. The plan is to stay in Hastings so that she can still work 'bank' shifts with the NHS to support herself.

I am officially the last one of the Harcourt place household to get a job!


  1. Which side of London are you working in? Looks like Regent Street, thats going to be a hell of a commute. PS, your link to Protiviti doesnt work. Not through any real fault of your own, the web master for the site is just an idiot so the URL doesn't work without the www. subdomain prefix. - Geoff on Thu Aug 31 2006 11:47:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  2. Yes, is Regent street, will be a 1hr40m journey from Hastings to Charing cross, then 10 mins either side walking :D I might stay with family nearer there during the week though! - Matt on Thu Aug 31 2006 12:16:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  3. Way to go fella. Enjoy. - Darren on Thu Aug 31 2006 15:46:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  4. well, you better get a job at the old bill, so if ever i get busted for illegal materials on my machine, you can do me a favour and not find anything!!! - Andre on Thu Aug 31 2006 17:56:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  5. Well done :) Hope all goes well for you. I'm still sorting out a job but should hopefully have one soon as well. - MattH on Fri Sep 01 2006 17:24:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  6. Well done, enjoy the painful world of work! hehe... - Stu on Tue Sep 05 2006 12:23:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)