Student debt

Created 19 years ago by Matt,
Last updated August 5th 2024, 3:50:07 pm

A comment on Toms post about student debt

I hope tom manages to get some money together to move down south and start his new job! I've not even got a job yet and i've run out of money!!!

I hope when the time comes my bank will be a little more helpful!!

Tom - add a comments system to your blog please - it's good that you vent your opinion there, but it's annoying without the ability to add a comment to it!!


  1. I also wished to comment on toms post. banks suck. - Luke on Wed Jul 05 2006 13:32:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  2. You're not the only one. Back in the mists of time (when students still got grants), I had bad experience with the NatWest. I would recommend Tom to go into HSBC (or better yet write to them) and explain to them in grat detail why they can stick their account up their arse and why, in the process, you will never bank with them again, nor recommend them to anyone else. Fifteen years after telling NatWest where to stick it, I have never done business with them again. I've spoken in the past about how I think students today are getting an impoverished deal compared to the one I weas fortunate to have. I believe very strongly that forcing people to pay for education like this is a pretty iniquitous thing to do, especially for those who are on the margins and simply do not have the economic power to take part in the education system. If I were 18 now, I probably wouldn't go to university, becasue I wouldn't want to be saddled with the debts that one accrues. Not only that, but then you come out into an environemnt where living costs (*especially housing) are higher than they have ever been. Recent studies suggest that you won't catch up in (total) earnings terms until you are 33. At the beginning of this decade, that figure was 28. But then, if like our esteemed Prime Minister, you family's earnings are at least half-a-million a year, packing your kids off to university is not expensive. They're alright, Jack. See, I'm ranting as well, now. - Darren Stephens on Wed Jul 19 2006 08:48:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)