job hunting
i've realised that i'm going to need a job sometime soon, either that or go on to further education.
I've been searching the multitude of online resources and been getting the national paper's to look for decent appointments. there's so much out there.
i've even got a local (sussex) jobspaper which out of it's 1500 jobs had exactly 2 relevant positions :) one of which i'm going to apply for (java developer in brighton) .
The problem is, it's really difficult to think about working when i'm sat here in the coffee shop in the glorious sunshine!
maybe i should find a way to work for myself? :)
any suggestions would be most welcome :)
- Good luck welcome back to the big bad world! hehe - Stu on Mon Apr 17 2006 16:40:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)