Writing my Dissertation

Created 19 years ago by Matt,
Last updated August 5th 2024, 3:50:07 pm

I'm currently trying to write my dissertation, but I am having major issues with Microsoft Word. It really is p*ssing me off!

It's just crashed for the 5th time in the last hour, as it cant seem to cope with the fact that I want it formatted in a particular way and I have written more than 25 pages and am referencing various different tables and figures.

It takes at least 3 to 4 seconds to save, which locks up the interface too. It's so annoying because i've been hammering out the words on a real good streak, but the bloody thing can't keep up! It also just seemed to lose 4 pages from the page count. I'm a little worried that its decided that in fact it doesn't like what i've typed and has deleted it, i'm a little too scared to check at the moment!

I'm wondering whether it's my computer being feeble, so i'm gonna give up for the moment, have some dinner, then battle on for a bit before chucking the computer out of the window and drinking some beer.



  1. I hope you went for the last action mentioned haha. I've had 'issues' with writing my dissertation as well! - MattH on Tue Feb 28 2006 02:09:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)