Thieving Pikey B*stards
Grrr... Ladyfink got home on friday night to find that some scumbag had got into her flat and removed her bank cards and jewellery!
They had then somehow managed to withdraw all of the money from our joint account, over the counter in the bank!!!!!
"How stupid!", we thought, "They will sureley appear on CCTV!" we remarked!
However, even though banks are rich, they, for some reason decided not to install any CCTV in the particular branch the perpetrators used to rid us of our holiday fund (£450).
But we should get the money back, as we were not in the area at the time (as we were both in Scarborough) and the bank should have checked the identity of the person withdrawing money before giving them it!!!!
At least valentines was nice :)
- Sympathy for you and Ladyfink, but especially her if she's alone there now. It utterly sucks to get robbed, just shows how many utter skanks are out there. As for the bank, what the hell?! Does that mean the robbers could have as easily nicked the money straight from the bank itself?! Keep us posted on what happens anyway. - James on Sun Feb 19 2006 14:13:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
- bank robbers eh? epic. I think you need to build an antiburglar machine out of a cunning system of pulleys and mirrors. - Luke on Sun Feb 19 2006 21:21:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
- Brings back memories when my flat was broken into and my laptop stolen...and I KNOW it was a thieving chav as he got caught on his next mission! Hope Ladyfink is ok :) - MattH on Tue Feb 21 2006 03:49:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)