PHP, Apache and MySQL
I spent the most part of this morning (and afternoon) installing a web server on my laptop, so I can do some coding over Christmas when I go home :)
I managed to find a really good guide by a guy(?) called Amit Arora for installing PHP, Apache and MySQL onto a windows box so I thought i'd link it :)
Just to add to his guide, if you want to use some of the PHP libraries for Curl, xml-rpc, GD, mhash and others, (after ammending the php.ini file) you may need to add the relevant libraries and dll's to the Windows->System32 folder (including libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll which are used by Curl).
There also seems to no longer be a need for a php5ts.lib file.
- another package files of php apache and MySQL which i found very usefull - Gert-Jan on Tue Dec 20 2005 17:31:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
- Saves some searching on Google to install them on my new laptop. Thanks :) - MattH on Wed Dec 21 2005 21:32:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)