Back to normal?

Created 20 years ago by Matt,
Last updated August 5th 2024, 3:50:07 pm

That's it.

I'm back.

Do I want to be? I'm not sure yet, i've been dragged kicking and screaming back into the hum-drum world that I left just over a month ago.

I've done some cool stuff whilst I have been away. I have got to know more about the world that exists outside of my social bubble, and loved every minute of it. Even the ones that weren't entirely pleasant.

I really, really don't want to forget it all! I want to say I have been changed by my brief interlude with other cultures, but I'm worried that I can't say so honestly. As, allthough I had some interesting experiences, I didn't actually need to change to get through them. Maybe that is better than having to change to enjoy it!

I'm glad i've had the chance to spend the time with Laura, and we will have some brilliant memories of our trip, we managed to get through a month without killing each other, which is an achievment in itself! hehe
I'm glad we managed to experience part of our adventure with friends too! Allthough they now have the pleasure of spending even more time on their adventure (James and Natasha 1 month left, Neil and Kid(ben) 7ish months left?).

Theres always next summer I suppose:-)

Am nearly glad to be back... just a few more days please, before I have to be back in the swing of things... hehe